Tarn Hows Microadventure

October 31, 2016

I first saw a picture of Tarn Hows in a book on landscape photography and was instantly captivated by the beauty of the view. The mirror still waters of the tarn surrounded by trees in the full riot of autumn colour, complemented by a group of slender pines on a spit of land which jutting out into the lake to lead the eye towards the mountains in the distance.

The tarn nestles in the low hills between Windermere and Coniston Water, an area I had always bypassed in search of walks and climbs on the higher fells to the north. This weekend I visited with the idea of camping and capturing the location at sunset and sunrise.

I took some shots as the sun sank slowly towards the horizon as shadows crept slowly up the bowel of the tarn and onto the hills beyond. I pitched the flysheet to face the view even though the ground was scarcely wide or level enough to do so. I’m currently using my one man tent flysheet as a tarp until I can splash out on a Trailstar.

With tea brewed I sat down to welcome dusk. As the light faded hundreds of birds swooped cartwheeled and darted just over my head, calling to each other as they zipped through the air with an audible whoosh.

There are the best of my images, the trees need a little more time to retreat to their more stark winter shapes, sacrificing their leaves to give them the energy to make it through winter.

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